
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

2010 Team Extreme Racing Clinic a Success!

There was perfect weather for Wisconsin Team Extreme's second annual 2-day racing clinic on 5/14 and 5/15.  Close to 40 riders from several different teams checked into camp Friday morning at the Germantown Comfort Inn and Suites and picked up their goodie bags, camp folders and t-shirts and then hit the classroom to study race strategy and technique with former Olympian, Tom Schuler and former US Postal rider, Robbie Ventura.  Later the group headed to Lannon Park to practice various bike handling and race simulation drills. 
The purpose of the clinic was to have fun, promote cycling and road racing specifically. The camp was an opportunity to meet other riders, build cohesiveness across teams and help promote safe racing in Southeastern Wisconsin through education. 
Robbie gave two inspiring classroom talks and lead the training ride Friday afternoon.  He kept the bike handling drills especially fun with some games and Vision Quest product for the winners.
For the second year, CycleOps Power was the primary sponsor of the clinic.  Alex Docter won the CycleOps Power Junior Scholarship to the clinic.  Alex lives in Grafton, WI and has been racing with IS Corp for one year.  He is currently in third place in the WCA series and is gaining strength very quickly.  Several other companies sponsored the clinic and we'd like to thank everyone that made the event a success.

 Jocelyn Vande Velde awarded Alex Docter the CycleOps Scholarship.
 Robbie leading a group back to the park.
Tom Schuler setting up bridging and attacking scenarios for riders to practice.  The day ended with a practice race and a field sprint!
Please look for this fun event in 2011 on the Wisconsin Cycling Association website.  It is a great way to meet other racers, fine-tune your skills and learn how to race and win as a team from world-class cyclists. 

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