
Saturday, June 12, 2010

Bahati to race Superweek

Info coming from Superweek HQ is that Rahsaan Bahati and a six rider squad will be competing in the 17 day series. Rahsaan last competed in Superweek in 2008 when he rode for Rock Racing. Now with his Bahati Foundation, he promotes a positive inspiration with school kids:

Bahati in Chicago

"Champion Cyclist Rahsaan Bahati Inspires School Kids in Glencoe and Chicago and Attends Benefit Dinner for Bahati Foundation at EJ’s Place in Skokie Glencoe, IL (May 11, 2010) – Pro cyclist Rahsaan Bahati visited 6th, 7th and 8th graders on Monday morning, May 10th at the Central School in Glencoe, and then traveled to the Bridgeport community on Chicago’s South Side to visit 6th, 7th and 8th graders at the Holden Elementary Chicago Public School. Bahati talked to assemblies of almost 200 children in both locations. He told the kids how he tossed a chalkboard eraser at his teacher when he was in 7th grade in Compton, CA. As punishment, he was given the option of either taking up golf or biking after school. He elected biking – thinking it was dirt biking. The kids laughed when Rahsaan explained how appalled he was to find that he signed up for track cycling at the LA velodrome – riding around in circles in tight shorts and funny helmets. But this was how his cycling career started.

Bahati showed the Glencoe kids a clip from his “Out of Compton” video production that included a scene of two young cyclists training in LA in the rain. He told the kids, “To achieve greatness, you must sacrifice. Sometimes that means getting a little wet.” He advised the students, “Dream big, set goals and reach for your goals.”

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