
Saturday, June 12, 2010

Wisconsin State Criterium Championships - Quick Report.

Just a quick recap of the top two races now. More detail later. 


Women Open: Midway through their 50 minute race, three riders managed to escape: Kaitlin Antonneau (Kenda),  Rachel Roessingh (IS Corp), and Holly Mathews (Team Wisconsin). Nearing the end of the race, three things happened with maybe a dozen laps to go: 1. It began to rain, 2. Holly Mathews crashed on the back stretch, and 3. Kristin Wentworth (Kenda) bridged up. This now changed the entire dynamics of the race, with Kenda now having their name written all over it.

It was not to be for Team Kenda today however as Holly Mathews simply poured on the coals and won the drag race between her and Wentworth, to become the Wisconsin State Criterium Champion for 2010.

Pro 1/2 men. 56 men started the Championship race under a drizzly rain with a field that had plenty of talent to provide an interesting race. Long story short - IS Corp was looking to double up on State Championships after winning the road race last week 
in convincing fashion. At the bell, under darkening lights,  they had it all worked out with a lead out train that had the field all strung out into one long line. Around the final corner and down to the line Jordan Roessingh (IS Corp) had a shot at it, but in a close bike throw towards the line, lit with spot lights, Ignacio (Iggy) Silva (Trek - Livestrong U23) took the win. Second was BMC's Cole House, and since he was the first Wisconsin resident to finish, he is the new State Criterium Champion for 2010!


Anonymous,  June 13, 2010 at 10:24 AM  

That's my boy. Not only winning after already had rode the Trek 100 earlier that day but, then winning the Wisconsin State Championship on little Iggy's Grandmas 87th birthday is pretty incredible. I have told my son time and time again that God is watching over him. Thank you God for the gift to my mother. Son, you are the "Quiet Strenght" that I have said you are. I love you and I'm so proud of you. Great job Cole. Gotcha! all in good taste. We go way back. Nice Job and congratulations to your title. Keep on keeping on. God bless you all.

Daddy Iggy

Anonymous,  September 23, 2010 at 10:46 PM  

Johnathon FAIL?!?

My Regards,
Angeline Over 25,000 parts from over 400 bicycle manufacturers. is your one stop Internet shop for mountain bike, road bike, and bmx bike parts.

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