
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Ride or Race? Centurion and Race the Lake

There is a new kid on the block: Centurion Cycling. It is a mass start ride/race held this year in three North American locations - Colorado, Wisconsin, and Ontario. The Wisconsin event is going to be held on Saturday August 8 starting in Middleton with a route that extends 25, 50, or 100 miles towards Blue Mound State Park, the highest point in Southern Wisconsin and includes 6,000 feet of climbing. While similar to "Race the Lake" which is a mass start ride/race around Wisconsin's Lake Winnebago, there will be no prize money for this race, but it will be fully staffed and equipped with chip timing. Yesterday, Centurion published their route maps and the 100 miler is a real leg breaker, featuring two laps up the infamous Pinacle Rd just outside Blue Mound State Park. 

Race the lake will be held on Sunday, August 22nd and is a one lap, circuit race around Wisconsin's largest lake, Lake Winnebago. "Lake Winnebago…One of the largest inland lakes in the United States and the most popular lake in Wisconsin will be the 90 mile course for the event. This is the LONGEST timed, all citizen bike race in the United States." It features not only a brutal "KOM" climb cresting at High Cliff State Park, but a $2,000 first place prize that really gathers attention from area racers such as last year's winner Ryan Bauman of Trek/Livestrong. Here's the payout: 

PRIZE MONEY: $10,000 prize purse to overall female/male winners!
Overall Male winner - $2000, 2nd place - $1500, 3rd place - $1000 4th place - $700, 5th place - $600, 6th place - $500, 7th place - $400, 8th place - $300 9th place -$200, 10th place - $100.
Overall female winner - $1500, 2nd place - $800, and 3rd place - $400

You'd be hard pressed to find another race around here with that kind of payout!

So, check you calendars. You may find yourself on the starting line of either of these great events this coming August.

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