
Monday, April 19, 2010

Weekend Review - Update: Leland Kermesse and WISPORT

The photos are now beginning to appear from Flatlandia's Leland Kermesse. Those gravel sections look tough as evidenced by this photo from "rombike". More photo links on the race web page.

Matt Hanson reports from WISPORT: 

41 hardy souls braved 20 to 30 mph NW winds to turn out to Willard Wisconsin, for the inaugural event of the Wisport season, The WiSport Friendly Century or Less.
The riders started south for 4 miles with a brisk tailwind. They would enjoy very little more of that in the next 36 miles, as the route turned mostly west and north. The group stayed pretty close together with no one falling off the pace. After a brief respite from the wind while traveling east, they made it to the first rest stop at the 20-mile mark. No body wanted to linger too long and soon they set off for the next 20 miles to the second stop in Thorp, which was all into the wind.

In Thorp they met up with the riders that were doing the 40 mile route and had attended the free riding clinic where Varrick Olson put on a presentation on rest and recovery and went over some of the finer points of pack riding. Once again, Steve Fouts assisted him.

Next up was the part of the ride that everyone had been looking forward to. 20 miles back to Willard only now the wind would be at their back. It didn't take long with speeds running very close to 30 mph for the front riders.  Four Big Ring Flyers made the turn towards Willard. I may have chuckled a bit to myself, okay I thought it was pretty funny, when Nate Phelps forgot how sharp that turn is when coming from the north, and was muttering a bit as he was nearly off onto the gravel.

Chris Mueller took the traditional chocolate bunny trophy for being the fastest male rider and Kim Myszkewicz took the other trophy for being the fastest female. Everyone enjoyed the post ride meal put on by Lead Butt Racing. BBQ, aged cheddar and Gorgonzola cheese, pasta salad, cookies, and banana bread

Many thanks need to go out to everyone who helped out with the ride.

Georgia J. made the BBQ Darlene B. made cookies and the most excellent banana bread Kim M. made cookies, Gary J. manned the last corner and helped with cleanup, John and Linda B. helped with set up and Linda did a great job of setting up the food. Scott B. made pasta salad, got provisions, bought beer, set things up, drove the lead vehicle, helped with clean up, Steve F. helped with setup, helped out with the clinic, Varrick O. put on the clinic Jerry B. helped with setup and clean up. Kevin S. did a few things

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